With Bitbucket you can edit any file, anywhere, all you need is your browser. But we’ve been missing one thing: the ability to add new files from the web using the online editor. So we fixed it.
Starting today, you can now add new files directly to repository from the source browser; no command line, no cloning, no local editor.
After clicking New file, Bitbucket’s online editor will ask you the name of the new file you’d like to create. Syntax highlighting and diff view are all an integrated part of the code editing experience.
Once you're happy with your edits, commit directly to the branch you're editing on, or create a pull request and select your reviewers. If you don't have write access, Bitbucket will automatically create a fork for you and commit your changes before submitting a pull request.
In addition to being able to add new files online, we added the ability to rename or delete unwanted files. To rename or delete a file, use the source browser and click on the Edit menu options.
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