Those of us in technology live for those rare moments when the future peeks at us from around the corner: Steve Jobs unveiling the first iPhone. Jack Dorsey’s timid “Just setting up my twttr.” Linus’s first multiple branch merge on Git. DVCS, for those of us that code, felt a bit like that. I can still remember the tingling feeling I got after my first pull request. And even though we’ve been cranking away here at Bitbucket to build the best DVCS code hosting platform, the underpinnings of DVCS feel a little stale to us. So we decided to change that.
Today we’re releasing the biggest innovation in DVCS since they added the D. Introducing…Spooning.
Yeah, you heard it correctly, Spooning. DVCS made it damn easy to fork repos and merge changes back to the original author’s code base. But Forking in DVCS is a lonely pursuit, and it’s become so second nature it feels a little boring. So we’re cranking it up a notch with Spooning. Spooning is a pair programming concept, modernized for the world of distributed version control. “Whatever happened to pair programming?” you’re probably asking yourself. Damn good question. People just started forking left and right and everybody forgot the power and utility of working together. WTF?
Spooning is an easy feature to learn, and it has a ton of benefits for developers: speed, comfort and a better position for pull requests. Rather than wax on about it here, head on over to the feature page and watch the overview video. And then fire up your Bitbucket account, and start spooning.