The Bitbucket team is in the midst of building out some larger features, and recently took an opportunity to conduct another Innovation Week to ship a bunch of new features!
What's Innovation Week?
Every few iterations we set aside an iteration for developers to work on whatever they desire — feature enhancements, new features, bug fixes, internal dev-speed, performance improvements, whatever they are interested in. Developers can fly solo or form groups to tackle larger projects. The end goal is to have a shippable feature or improvement by the end of the week. Here’s what our engineers shipped this time around:
Private profiles
When we revamped user profiles a few months ago we exposed team member information that wasn’t previously available, and people noticed. This project circles back around and gives users the ability to make their profile pages private.
Improved SSH and deploy key security
SSH and deploy keys are are now immutable. To bolster security even further, Bitbucket will also send notifications when a new SSH key is added to an account.
In-line loading of new pull request comments
A few Innovation Weeks ago we added in-page notifications of pull request comments and updates, which gets quite a bit of use within the Bitbucket team. This time around, we built on that work by slicking up the UI and loading new comments in ajaxily to avoid full page pops, speeding the interaction up tremendously for those teams using pull requests.
Pull request POST hook
Now users can set up a POST hook to any pull request action (comment, update, approve, etc). This feature builds on the infrastructure improvements we made during the notifications refactor.
Improved hooks admin interface
Previously called “Services”, we’ve renamed this feature “Hooks” based on user feedback. We’ve also rolled out a new interface that provides a scannable list of integrated services, and hides the complexity until you actually need it.
That’s it!
We had a lot of fun with this Innovation Week, and hope you find some of these features and improvements useful. Does this kind of thing sound fun to you? We’re always looking for great engineers. Check out Atlassian’s career page to learn more.